Capileira rejseinformation og video

Rejseinformation, fakta, billeder og video om Capileira

Anmeldelser af Capileira

Gennemsnit af vurderinger - Baseret på 2 anmeldelser.



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The quaint village of Capileira is situated at the highest point of the Barranco de Poqueira Gorge, 1400 metres above sea level. Capileira, along with the neighbouring villages of Pampaneira and Bubion form the ‘Gorge of Poqueira’.

All three villages have conserved the original spirit of Las Alpujarras region, their habits and respect for nature. It is an excellent destination for walking and hiking holidays, and generally for exploring the local region, the gorge and the Sierra Nevada range.

About town
Capileira is a traditional Alpujarras village, but offers good amenities, with supermarkets and many shops, well stocked with local produce, and bars and restaurants but as a tourist you will be well supplied.

There are several small bars and restaurants where you can choose from local cuisine, with a Moorish twist, tapas, vegetarian dishes, and even pizza, if you can tear yourself away from the delicious Andalusian delicacies.

The attractive plazas of Baza are full of life and you can pass a pleasant hour or two watching children play, adults gossiping, or out for a stroll.

Natural surroundings

Capileira sits majestically atop the gorge, boasting
spectacular scenery, and a paradise for walkers and ramblers exploring the region. There are multiple walking routes along the river, or higher up in the nature park.

Higher up, the winter snows lays thick on the ground until late spring, when the summit of Mulhacén can be reached at 3481 metres (over 11,000 feet). There is a refuge on Mulhacén, which provides a rest and overnight spot if needed.

Capileira is situated on the southern skirts of the Sierra Nevada where it enjoys a Mediterranean climate without the humidity that pervades the coast. It affords a relief and escape from the heat of high summer and perfect walking temperatures in spring

The region is much drier than the villages on the coast, so generally good, all-year-round hiking conditions.

The winter months are cold, but beautiful; with frost common and occasional snow falls.

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Anmeldelser af Capileira

Gennemsnit af vurderinger - Baseret på 2 anmeldelser.

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