León provins rejseinformation og video

Rejseinformation, fakta, billeder og video om León provins

Anmeldelser af León provins

Gennemsnit af vurderinger - Baseret på 1 anmeldelser.


Patrick Koek

La Robla isn't really a city. It is in the early stages of becoming an active city. But it was nice to have a drink at one of the restaurants. One big plus for this city was the supermarket. Always great to have a possibility to have some international orientated food or drinks.

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Anmeldelser af León provins

Gennemsnit af vurderinger - Baseret på 1 anmeldelser.

Sendt af:
27. jul 2018
Denne anmeldelse er på spansk Denne anmeldelse er på spansk

La Robla anmeldelse

La Robla isn't really a city. It is in the early stages of becoming an active city. But it was nice to have a drink at one of the restaurants. One big plus for this city was the supermarket. Always great to have a possibility to have some international orientated food or drinks.
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